Training FAQ
Training FAQs
As a new employee, what training is required?
As a new employee, you will be required to complete various classroom and online training. These will be identified to you when you begin employment and as your position requires. You will first review the New Hire Orientation YouTube Videos.
How do I access the New Hire Orientation YouTube Videos?
To access the New Hire Orientation YouTube Videos go to
After completing the YouTube Videos, you will be assigned a number of classroom training and online training.
Relias Learning
What is Relias Learning?
Relias (formerly ELOT or Essential Learning Online Training) is a term our agency uses for online training offered by Relias Learning. Relias offers online learning, staff-compliance training, and continuing education for behavioral health, mental health, addiction treatment, community health, developmental disability, community action, and child welfare organizations.
How do I access Relias?
To access Relias go to
Who do I contact if I have problems with the online training?
If you have difficulty navigating through the online training, please contact the Human Resources Department at 706.638.5580.
What continuing education credits does Relias offer?
Relias offers continuing education from many national accrediting organizations including ANCC for nurses, APA for psychologists, ASWB for social workers, NAADAC for alcohol and drug counselors, and NBCC for certified counselors. Review our accreditation information page for more details about the state CEUs offered.
How do I register for an online course?
Go to and click on the Course Catalog, found in the Training drop-down menu. The user-friendly and secure shopping cart allows you to register for any number and type of course.
How do I access my training record?
Log in to Go to your profile, select the completed tab, and then click the transcript button, save it as a PDF, and then print the transcript.
Can I complete the Relias training at home?
Employees are expected to complete training during regular business hours. However, if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent an employee from doing so, the supervisor may give the authorization to complete them at home. The employee must be approved for teleworking. This time will be considered work time.
Paraprofessional Training
What is Paraprofessional Training?
It is a minimum of standard training required and created online and in the classroom by DBHDD for staff who are not licensed mental health professionals and/or do not have one of a number of recognized credentials, but who provide Medicaid-reimbursable services for an approved provider agency.
Who is required to complete the Paraprofessional Training?
The following individuals must complete the standard training requirement:
Community program employees who are not licensed professionals or holders of an approved credential are considered paraprofessionals with regard to the standard training requirement. Individuals who are not licensed or do not hold an approved credential must fulfill the standard training requirement, regardless of education level. Contract employees providing outsourced services fall within the paraprofessional criterion. Individuals who have not yet completed the certification process to be Certified Peer Specialists. Individuals who may be eligible in the future to be licensed or certified, but who are not yet licensed or certified. Individuals providing PRTF services, but not staff providing services through foster care, ICSP, and child & adolescent group homes.
How do I access the Paraprofessional site?
To access the Paraprofessional Online Training go to
One of my employees is unable to attend a scheduled training session, what steps should be taken to reschedule?
Notify the Bridge Health Training Coordinator as soon as possible, but no later than the day before the class.
What should I do if I cannot make a scheduled training?
Staff may not reschedule training without the written approval of their supervisor. An email from the supervisor requesting the change is acceptable. The following is required for rescheduling Bridge Health training:
- First failed attendance of training requires written approval from the employee’s immediate supervisor or the employee will not be rescheduled.
- Second failed attendance of training requires written approval from the Executive Director.
- Third failed attendance of training may result in disciplinary action being taken.
- Staff who allow training certifications to expire or who are delinquent in certain training may be required to attend a full class for recertification, may not be allowed to work unescorted, and/or be removed from duty without pay until the training requirements are met.